There has been a rise in people seeking mental health treatment; however, there are still some people who allow the mental health, counseling, and therapy stigma discourage them from it. What if I told you that everyone can benefit from therapy at some point in their life? YES, EVERYONE! Many people feel as though asking for help is a weakness. You are not superwoman. You do not and cannot do everything on your own so do not try. That is how therapy comes in. Your therapist can help you by teaching you hope to manage your day to do life and adjusting to life challenges. You can go to therapy for numerous reasons. Many people use words like “crazy” as a reason to not go to therapy. They fear that people will think they are “crazy” or often minimize their problems and feelings. 

I am going to share four ways you can benefit from going to see a therapist. I will share with you some common benefits and benefits that are often overlooked. 

You will learn healthy ways to cope with your problems and feelings. A therapist can help you identify the coping skills that are healthy and unhealthy for you. Many people feel as if avoiding their problems is a good way to cope. It may help you temporarily, but your problem(s) will still be there. The longer your bury it, the greater the impact can be. Some tend to turn to drugs or alcohol when they are feeling stressed. Drugs and alcohol under stress can lead to a urge to use an increasing amount which can then lead to an addiction. 

You will see and hear your thoughts and feelings from a different perspective. The people that you normally vent to tend to have the same views and thoughts as you. They may not be able to help you see things from other perspectives. Your friends and family may not want to hurt your feelings so they may agree with your behavior. A therapist is a neutral person that will give you another perspective of your thoughts and feelings to help you understand them.

You will learn how to set boundaries in your personal and professional life. Many come to therapy due to unhealthy relationships in their life. The unhealthy relationships can be with friends, family, and dating partners. Your therapist can help you with setting the boundaries to to assist in those relationships. There has been an increased amount of people seeking counseling due to work related problems. Those problems can include working too much or struggling to have relationships with co-workers. A therapist can instruct you on way to set personal and professional boundaries.

It can improve your physical health as well. Have you noticed that you been struggle with sleeping each night? Eating too much or too little? Maybe you are feeling tightness in your stomach or racing heartbeats. Many mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress are associated with physical health problems. Your therapist will not only help you with reducing mental health symptoms but they can help you with physical health as well. 
